Jonathan . Mallory . Duke . Calvin

Its our life, and we love it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Juicy, Juicy Post.

Are you lacking luster in your life? Need a juicier end to your day? Where's the beef??

I've been asking myself this as I've been looking back on the last few weeks of posts. Where did the sparkle go? Where is the substance? Where's the beef???

Don't you worry, you blog reader, you. We're bringing it back. Ending our vegetarian posts. Beefing up the blog again. Stay tuned for more DIY, home decor, and cows to come. Cows... get it? Beef? No?

To start back on posts which will sustain you until breakfast, I would like to introduce to you a quick, simple, free and fabulous DIY project, because those are always the best kind, and you know it.

Quick: Took me less than 5 minutes.

Simple: A few snips, a little tape, and some eyeballing the levelity (yes, I just said levelity) of the project.

Free: Frame that has been collecting dog hair in the guest room + brown wrapping paper (my favorite kind) + a sample of wallpaper I ordered (fo free) a year ago.


So? We all remember (and if you don't just check it out here) the dilemma of the wall above the couch. To mirror or not to mirror? To transfer the boys, or to leave them be? Simplicity is key? Cozy lamp and side table?

Or... more stripes! It's so simple and perfect, I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier. Stripes, love of my life, there is always room for more of you.

Whats the verdict? Too stripey (too bad)? Enough with the navy and white? Too big/small for the space? Or maybe you love it? Anyone else have ideas for cheap/free & fabulous DIY art? Let us know!

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