Now, let it be known that I love a good gallery wall.
And when I came across this inspirational picture, it hit me like a train. I knew what I wanted to do...
I'm pretty sure you see where this post is going. I
So I promptly stopped doing whatever I was doing at the time (which may or may not have been blog stalking) and grabbed a ruler, some graph paper, a tape measure, and a pencil. Because I'm a little nerdy and I get excited about things like this.
I came up with three different ideas and needed an extra opinion. To Facebook chat I went, and luck be a lady, my artistic and design savvy friend Amy came to my rescue.

I was starting to lean toward option #2, so when Amy said she "loved the simplicity of four," I knew option #2 was it. Now, how do I do this cheap?
12 frames is a lot of frames. I needed cheap frames. To Walmart, to Walmart to buy an 8x10 frame. Home again, home again, with 12 frames I came. Yep. 12 frames, $2.50 each. I can handle that.
(Remember this picture from the other day?? It was your hint of things to come.)
Once I got these beauties home, I dug out a calendar from 2 years ago (90% off after January 15) and started cutting. I decided I wanted black and white pictures. Of lighthouses. Good thing I had a calendar of black and white lighthouses laying around. I also filled in a few extra frames with some pictures my talented sister took, my aforementioned friend Amy took, and a few from my camera.
And then I had my gallery wall.
I love it! I love it so very much! I, of course, went with straight lines for my wall. What more do you expect from a girl who would marry stripes if she could? I find my eye being drawn to that wall. All the time. I'm loving the look. And what did I spend? Maybe $35? On the whole wall? All the art I need on one huge, white wall for under $40? Yes please.
And if you wanted a few close ups:
What do you think? I love it. Are you more of a random gallery than straight and orderly? Or maybe you love the order of a wall like mine? Have you ever thought about displaying art/photos in a artistic way? Maybe you have? Please share!
I had the same Idea!!!! Good thinking kid. I think it looks great. Im not going to know where I am when i get home
Thanks love! You'll be home, and that's all that matters :-)
I do love a good gallery wall, also! Great job!
Thank you :-)
I used the same frames for my gallery wall! We have kindred spirits, I'm telling ya... Although I'm a random lover when it comes to wall art =)
Holly, that's so funny! Great minds...
You just inspired me to stop looking for a job and start staying home all day to do DIY projects! I wonder what my parents and James will think...
Mallory, I just discovered your blog due to your comment on another's. I love your gallery wall, but I really love your sense of humor shining out in your writing It's light a beacon of light, like a tower of hope, and (dare I say it?) like a house full of light...oh, yea, I said it!
Well done. I'll keep following you :)
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