Finally. I know I talked about
this table a while ago, promising pictures of the finished project. Well, I have learned two things from this post.
First, never promise a post of a project
until it is done. This took quite a bit longer than expected, due to weather, polyurethane issues, and life. Next time I promise a post for the next day/week, I will already have the project done.
Second, finishing wood takes a REALLY long time. Especially when its cottonwood season in Colorado. And its hot. And you can never tell when its going to start raining.
But, its done, and its moved in to our house. We even had dinner on it last night, but more about that later. First, lets do the grand reveal.
You remember the original table we got for free when we bought our chairs? If not, I'll jog your memory.

We gave it quite the makeover. But, before I show it to you, you have to make me a few promises. First, don't judge us for our chairs. They were J's and they were cheap. I am working on painting them all white right now. Second, I know we don't have any artwork in there. We did. I promise. A big black and white picture of a canal in Amsterdam. But we're moving. So don't hate. Third, we don't like the legs of the table either. We're working on it. Okay, so you promise? Check it out.
First, we gave it a coat of wood conditioner:

Next, we stained it about a million times (okay, maybe only 3 or 4) with Minwax Ebony:

Last, we poly-ed the heck out of that thing:

And then it was ready for eating:

And if you want a close up of that pretty wood grain:

Oh, and in case you wanted a close up of those beautiful flowers I got for my anniversary:

We will just pretend that luck had nothing to do with the fact that J picked out flowers JUST LIKE my bouquet from a year ago.

Oh, and wondering what our first dinner was on our brand
new old table??

Anyway, what do you think??? It's taken us forever, which means I am SO excited to share this with ya'll, but that also means you cannot say anything bad about it. Isn't it beautiful?? Anyone else have some awesome furniture makeovers you want to share?