Those in the know call these kinds of peaks "14ers," as in 14,000 feet (or higher). There are 53 in total in Colorado. We have wanted to do one since we moved here. We attempted once, but both of us got sick the day before we hiked to base camp, so we missed the summit.
But we did it this time. With the company of our good friends Michael and Bob. The four of us made it to the tippy top, and all the way back down. All we needed was a little Gatorade, lots of water, and some delish trail mix.
So check it out. It was an awesome hike up. And when I say awesome, I say that because it is definitely something I can draw on when my marathon gets tough. It was hard. Steep. High. Quick. And all with little oxygen.
My though on why it is called "Gray's Peak" is because we were literally walking on rocks. Gray rocks. For a good portion of the hike.
We got to the top in just under 3 hours.
No, the clouds were not low that day. We were just very high.
And I won. I was
The hike back down would have been enjoyable had I'd held off on the liter of water and bottle of Gatorade at the top. But at least it was beautiful. (The red in this next picture is the first half of the trail. The easy half.)

On the way back down we found a mountain goat, some friends helped each other down, and we posed for a picture. It all kind of blurred together for me. I guess thats what a too-full bladder will do for you.
And so that is Grays. We're a little sore today, and were a lot tired last night, but it was worth it. Or so we think. Humans are crazy.
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