Jonathan . Mallory . Duke . Calvin

Its our life, and we love it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I blame websites like Design*Sponge, Knock Off Wood, Etsy, and Young House Love for my ridiculous Justin Bieber (Never Say Never) attitude. I look at these sites and see all the amazing things people can do with the piece of trash chair they found in the dumpster behind Goodwill, or the 2x4's and 4x4s they find at Home Deopt, or the piece of art they made with barn wood, and I think, I can do that.

I'm here to tell all of you who think "Woah, that (fill in the blank) is so talented, I wish I could be as creative as (her/him/it)." You can do it.

Start small. Recover a pillow. Or skip that nonsense and rip apart your dress, only to put it back together a different way. However you do it, just don't limit yourself. You can do all these things. Sometimes it takes a little practice. Sometimes it comes naturally. Sometimes you're creative enough to think of these things all by yourself. Other times you'll copy take inspiration from a blog, a Pottery Barn catalog, a movie.

And sometimes, you will do something amazing. Like this.

With as much blog stalking lovin as I do, I often come across a Before & After so inspiring that I just have to oogle for a few minutes. Today was one those days. A Before & After day on Design*Sponge. It took me a minute to convince myself that this really was the same piece. Alexandra Becket Before & After-ed her whole Craftsman house. The transformation was gorgeous. But I still can't get over these two images.

I hope when you see pictures like this you don't get down on yourself. Don't think "I will never be able to do something like that." Instead, pull up your big girl High Self Esteem (HSE) pants and say, "I can do better." Because even if you can't, wouldn't you settle for doing as well as Alexandra did? It's like that saying about shooting the moon, and stars, and aiming. 

I hope I don't sound to high horsey (man I am on a roll with my verbiage today!) with this post. I'm not trying to show off my HSE. I'm just trying to let you see a little how I view things. I have so many people tell me "I wish I was as crafty as you are!" but what they don't know is the secret I just let you in on. I don't know what I'm doing, I just do it.

Anyone of your blog readers already know that secret?? Or care to share any more crafty/HSE secrets?

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