Anyway, this project took me all of ten minutes while I was watching HGTV and waiting for Jon to get ready for the BBQ party we're going to this afternoon. The problem was that we had a few super cute placemats, but there were only three of them. So if we had anyone over for dinner (and lets face it, thats the only time the placemats come out) we had a one person cap. Not great for our millions of friends. Because we're popular.
So, I turned them into pillows to freshen up our monochromatic couch. And the result? Well I love it. What do you think??
BEFORE (Back when they were placemats)
And the fabulous AFTER
UGH. THIS IS SO GENIUS. No if only we had place mats. I guess buying place mats and making them into pillows is cheaper than buying throw pillows, right?!
It totally is. Go to TJ Maxx, I found some cute ones in a pack of four for like $10. Or go to the thrift store, so cheap!!
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