Well we had quite the weekend.
I was coming off of a mini-vacation from last week (the family I watch was in Portland, so I got to enjoy beautiful Colorado and relax a little). It's a good thing I had the week to relax, because all weekend was go, go, go.
Friday night we were lucky enough to get tickets to see General Colin Powell speak on our campus. I had no idea he was such a dynamic speaker; really a funny guy. We have now seen Barack Obama (before he was President Obama) and General Powell speak here at CSU. Can't complain about that.
Saturday Jon had his last incentive flight (ROTC provides 4 experience flights for any cadets who want it) and flew to Leadville, CO, also known as the highest air port in the US. I spent my day cleaning and making peanut butter cupcakes for Duke's birthday. When he got home it was a mad dash to get ready for the USAF ROTC Dining Out (our formal - see picture). We had a great time, and then went to a friends house for post-Ball s'mores. Couldn't ask for more.
Sunday dawned nice and early with the preparations for Duke's birthday party. Yes, I threw a party for a dog. We shopped, cooked and prepared for Duke's party at the park, got it all set up, and then decided it was too cold and windy to be outside. So we moved the whole thing to our teeny little house, but we had fun and didn't have too much cleaning up to do afterward! After the little cleaning we had to do, it was off again, this time to the local ice rink for broomball. It was the second semi-annual WWPRAASBBC. Try to figure that one out. It was a lot of fun, finished with a tie and many, many bruises for all. No blood this time, though.
All in all, I would call it a successful weekend.