This is the newest addition to our family, Calvin. He is a five year old, domestic short hair cat, black with a white belly and paws. He was my birthday present this year. Neither Jon or I were sure if we wanted a cat, but this big guy stole our hearts with his extra loud purr. In the 35 minutes we spent visiting him at the Humane Society, he spent at least 25 of them sprawled out on both of our laps, sleeping. Obviously, we had to take this guy home with us.
Calvin and Duke were fast friends. Now you can find Cal on the couch batting at Duke's ears while Duke puts Cal's entire head in his mouth. Duke has taught Calvin the pure enjoyment that chasing your tail brings. Or shadows for that matter.
Calvin is one of the most interesting cats I have ever met. Not only does he tap dance all over our legs to wake us up in the morning, but he literally talks to us as much as he can. He is the cuddliest cat in the world when he wants to be. In fact, the other night, I was sleeping while Jon was reading and I woke up to Calvin laying on my neck purring like crazy. When I started laughing and turned to Jon, Cal used his paw to pull my face towards him so he could kiss me. He really is such a sweet cat with the biggest personality.